Privacy Policy



ALTAVAGROUP PTE. LTD ("ALTAVA", "the Company") is committed to protecting and respecting your personal information. This privacy notice, along with our terms of service, outlines the basis on which we process any personal information collected from you or that you provide through the service. We encourage you to read this notice carefully to understand our views and practices regarding your personal data and how it applies to our products and services.
We may develop new services or offer additional services. If the introduction of new or additional services results in significant changes in the way we collect or process your personal data, we will provide you with more information or additional terms or policies. Unless otherwise stated, new or additional services introduced will be subject to this notice.

Purpose of Processing Personal Information

  1. The Company collects personal information for the following purposes: verifying the identity and intent of users for optimized and personalized service provision, among other purposes. The company will not use the personal information for purposes other than those specified, nor will it be provided to third parties without the user's consent
    • Execution of contracts for service provision and billing for services provided - Service purchase and payment, financial transaction authentication, and financial services.
    • Member management - Identity verification for member-based services, personal identification, prevention of misuse by problematic members and unauthorized use, confirmation of sign-up intent, limitation of sign-up and frequency, verification of parental consent for collecting personal information from children under 13, record keeping for dispute resolution, complaint handling, communication of notices.
    • New service development and marketing - Development of new services (content) and specialized events, delivery of marketing information, provision of services and advertisements based on statistical characteristics, frequency of access, statistics on service usage by members.
    • Upon using the "Service" after the implementation date, "Members" are deemed to have agreed to the revised terms. "Members" who do not agree to the changed terms may terminate the service contract.
  2. The company collects the minimum necessary information to facilitate the provision of services.
  3. When collecting personal information, the company will obtain the user's consent and will not collect information that may infringe on the user's fundamental rights (such as race, ethnic background, ideology, political inclination, criminal records, health status, etc.) without the user's consent or unless required by law.
  4. Automatically collected information when using our products includes.
    • The IP (Internet Protocol) address used to connect your computer to the internet, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, cookies.
    • Information about your visit, including the full URL (Uniform Resource Locators) clickstream to, through, and from our site (including date and time); products or services you viewed or searched for; page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.
  5. In the course of using our services, we may request the following information from users:
    • Name
    • Digital asset wallet address

    We may request this information to support the smooth use of our services. By providing this information, users help improve the quality and user experience of our services. All personal information provided by users is strictly protected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

  6. The company will destroy personal information without delay once the purpose of its collection and use has been fulfilled.
  7. The retention period for collected personal information is from the time of agreement to the service contract (membership sign-up) to the termination of the service contract (including withdrawal requests and involuntary withdrawal). Upon withdrawal of consent, the company will immediately destroy personal information except for data that must be stored for a specified period according to the retention reasons stated.
  8. Personal information of members will be destroyed without delay once the collection and use purposes have been achieved or the retention period has expired. Printed personal information will be shredded or incinerated, and electronically stored personal information will be destroyed using technical methods that prevent record recovery.
  9. During the service use process or business processing, the following information may be automatically generated and collected:
    • IP Address, access log, cookies, payment records, visit date and time, service usage records (for purposes of preventing misuse and unauthorized use, etc.)

Consent for Collection and Use of Personal Information for Marketing Purposes

We may collect your email address for marketing purposes, including sending newsletters, promotional materials, and other information related to our services and products. By providing your email address, you consent to receive these communications from us. You may opt-out at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions included in our emails.

Additional Purposes for Collecting Email Addresses:

  • To provide updates on our services and products.
  • To send promotional offers and marketing information.
  • To inform you about special events and developments.

Overseas Transfer

The company takes appropriate measures to protect users' personal information regardless of the region where it is transferred, stored, or processed, in accordance with relevant laws. For more information, please contact us using the contact information provided.

Period of Processing and Retaining Personal Information

  1. The company will process and store personal information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the specified purposes in our service agreement and privacy policy. The retention periods for different types of personal information are as follows.
    • Profile information provided at the time of membership registration or during service use will be retained until the member decides to withdraw from the service.
    • Inquiries about service use will be retained until the resolution of the inquiry.
  2. However, in certain circumstances such as the following, the company may retain information for an extended period.
    • If there is a request for recovery after membership withdrawal: The information will be kept for a minimum period designated by the company (90 days from the date of withdrawal) to address any damages due to information leakage.
    • If an investigation related to a violation of the laws in the service country is ongoing: The information will be retained until the investigation is completed.
    • If there are claims or debts resulting from the use of the service: The information will be retained until the resolution of these claims or debts.
    • For periods as required by the laws of the country providing the service: The information will be retained for the duration mandated by law.

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

ALTAVA will never provide personal information to third parties without legal requirements or your explicit consent. This means that, except in cases where you separately agree during the service use process or as specified by law, personal information will not be used beyond its intended purpose or shared with third parties. Additionally, in situations where third-party services are integrated, personal information will be provided only within the necessary scope for service delivery, and your consent will be obtained. If necessary, the processing of personal information may be entrusted to third parties.

For the efficiency of service delivery, ALTAVA may delegate the processing of personal information to the extent necessary. For details on the institutions entrusted with processing and the specifics of their tasks, please refer to the information below.

  • Entrusted Party (Processor)
    • Stripe, inc. Contact:
  • Details of Entrusted Tasks
    • Purchase and payment processing
    • Personal information collected during payment
  • Duration of Entrustment
    • Until the member withdraws or the entrusted tasks are terminated

Handling Personal Information of Children Under the age of 13

The company acknowledges the privacy interests of children and encourages parents and guardians to take an active role in their children's online activities and interests. Individuals under the age of 13, who are of an age that requires consent for online services, cannot register for our services, but parents or guardians can register on their behalf and help them access appropriate content.

If you are under 13 years of age, access to certain functionalities for the protection of your personal information will be restricted. ALTAVA is particularly committed to protecting the personal information of children. This section of our privacy policy is dedicated to you.

  1. If you are under 13, you must obtain permission from your parent or guardian before using ALTAVA. You should not use our services without approval.
  2. Information Collected
    • Your user activity name (required): This information is necessary to create your account and provide services on ALTAVA. The company does not use your username to identify you outside of our services.

Technical and Managerial Measures for Personal Information Protection

The company takes the following measures to ensure the safety of users' personal information.

  • Administrative measures: Establishment and implementation of an internal management plan, regular staff training, etc.
  • Technical measures: Management of access rights to personal information processing systems, installation of intrusion detection systems, encryption of personal information, installation of security programs, etc.

Unfortunately, information transmission over the internet is not completely secure. While we do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to our service; any transmission is at your own risk. Once we receive your information, we use strict procedures and security features to prevent unauthorized access as much as possible.

Disclosure of Information

We fully respect your information and will not disclose it to third parties except as necessary or appropriate for the purposes for which we use it. For example, our use of personal information includes those who support the Site or related sites, including payment and transaction processing service providers or external development teams.

Additionally, your information may be disclosed to third parties in the following cases.

  • Required in connection with the sale or transfer of all or part of our business.
  • Disclosure is necessary to protect the company's rights and comply with legal proceedings, court orders, bankruptcy, or similar legal processes as required by law and/or in faith.

When we use third-party service providers, we select those who provide a secure service and help us improve our services or practices, complying with all applicable legal requirements as described above.

Rights of Members

The company acknowledges and respects your rights as an individual. You have the following rights:

  • The right to correction – You have the right to correct inaccurate or incomplete personal data held by the company.
  • The right to deletion – You may have the right to request the deletion of personal information related to you. However, information that needs to be retained according to Article 3 (Period of Processing and Retaining Personal Information) cannot be deleted.
  • The right to object – You have the right to object to the processing of your data by the company.
  • The right to restriction – You have the right to request the company to restrict the processing of your personal information.

If you wish to exercise any of your legal rights or have questions, please contact us using the contact information provided below. We may need to verify your identity before responding.

Changes to the Privacy Notice

The company reserves the right to change this privacy notice at any time to reflect changes in our data collection and use practices, the features of our services, or advancements in technology. Future changes to our privacy notice will be posted on this page and, where appropriate, notified to you by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy notice.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy notice or information practices, please feel free to contact us at any time.
503, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea